One of the biggest challenges to writing copy that converts is keeping it succinct. People don’t want to read a lengthy paragraph to find out what you’re selling. In fact, they won’t read it at all. You need to convey to your audience exactly what you’re selling, how it benefits them and why it’s different—all within a sentence or two. In part two of the Brand Messaging Framework series, we further distill your message to convert on your website, in your content creation and content marketing.
Here’s what we’ll cover:
With so much competition in the marketplace today, to write copy that converts you need to establish your unique selling point(s).
Why should others buy from you?
What makes you different than the competition?
What is something that only your business can do?
What is your biggest strength as a brand or business?
This can definitely be a challenge but it’s so vital to writing a strong brand message that converts.
Last summer, I was easily converted by an ad I saw for Hump Optics sunglasses. They spoke directly to my pain points: overpaying for sunglasses that I would inevitably damage because they’re always sliding off my head. One of their unique selling points is indestructible and affordable polarized glasses.
Consider me sold!
After I made the purchase, I discovered another one of their unique selling points: for every pair of sunnies sold, we donate a pair of reading glasses to someone in need. I immediately bought another two pairs.
It’s important to pinpoint your USP but you also need to back it up. For example, Hump Optics backs up their first claim by offering a lifetime warranty—if your sunglasses get damaged, they’ll replace them, no questions asked.
Brand Messaging Framework Challenge #5:
Strive to come up with two or three unique selling points (USPs) and then find proof that backs up your claim.
With your unique selling point(s) in tow, your next step is to refine your brand message by writing your value proposition. Your value proposition is your brand promise. It should communicate what you sell, who it’s for, the benefit it delivers, all while highlighting your uniqueness in the marketplace.

You want your value proposition to be descriptive but memorable and speak to your audience, not at them. Here are four brand promise examples (aka value propositions) to give you some inspiration.
Whether you sell online, on social media, in store, or out of the trunk of your car, Shopify has you covered.
Humps Optics:
At Humps Optics, we provide a wide range of indestructible sunglasses designed for the modern explorer.
Dollar Shave Club:
A great shave for a few bucks a month.
Find the music you love. Discover new tracks. Connect directly with your favorite artists.
When you visit a website, chances are the first copy you’re reading is a version of their value proposition and your website should do the same.
So when it comes to writing your own value proposition, just imagine a potential customer is choosing between you and two of your competitors solely based on your value propositions. How can you captivate your audience in a way that is impactful and more appealing than your competition?
On your website, alongside your value proposition, have a clear call-to-action. Make it as easy as possible for your website visitors to achieve your intended goal.
Brand Messaging Framework Challenge #6:
Write your value proposition. Warm up with Steve Blank’s XYZ method: We help X do Y by doing Z.
Do you struggle to come up with content for your social media channels? Are you posting anything and everything just to keep top of mind? Sometimes it’s not how you’re writing but what you’re writing about that is doing you a disservice. Creating content pillars for your business will allow you to:
save time planning your content creation
position yourself as the expert in your field
deliver content that is consistent and reliable
What is a content pillar?
Content pillars are the umbrella topics your business focuses on through your brand messaging. Ideally, you want to have three to five content pillars. To choose appropriate content pillars for your business, think of the topics that you are passionate about. What do you have a wealth of knowledge on? Where do the values of your business and those of your ideal clients’ overlap?
Examples for my own content pillars are:
brand strategy
brand design
content marketing
me and my studio to give people a connection point
If you peruse my social media channels you’ll see that nearly all of my content falls under these four content pillars. Why is this important? It allows you to become a reliable resource to your audience on certain topics. When you deliver consistent messaging, you position yourself as an expert and earn their trust. Trust is key for converting your leads into paying customers.
Brand Messaging Framework Challenge #7:
Create 3 to 5 content pillars for your business, along with sub-topics for each one that can be used in your upcoming content calendar.
In Part One of the Brand Messaging Framework Series, we talk about the value of making your customers the hero of your brand story. So while not all of your content will need to be approached this way, remember that when it comes to writing copy that converts, this is the best way to grab their interest.
Empathizing with their needs and wants draws them in.
Offering free, valuable advice earns their trust.
Doing both of these consistently positions you as the expert, keeps them coming back for more, and increase conversions.
How to Structure Your Social Media Captions to Increase Engagement
To ensure your audience is actually going to read your thoughtfully written content, you first, need a great image, then you need to follow the caption writing formula.
Start with a captivating hook. The first line of your caption should suggest the rest that follows is totally worth the read. Encourage your followers to stop and engage with your post by asking a question they probably want the answer to; serving up must-have insights, how-tos or quick tips they can start using today; or alluding to an insider secret or personal story.

Deliver a good story or valuable insight. Insert converting copy here. Be sure to break up your copy into easily digestible snippets, use bullets and/or emojis. This as your opportunity to connect with your followers so make sure you speak to their needs and position yourself as the expert.
Have a Call-to-Action. Never assume your audience knows the action you want them to take. Be clear and direct. If your post is high value, tell them to save the post for later. Sometimes they need the reminder to take action. If you’re hoping to increase engagement, end your caption with a question and tell them to comment with their answer. This shows you value their opinion. If your goal is to send them to your website, tell them exactly why it’s worth the effort and how to get there.
Brand Messaging Framework Challenge #8:
What are your social media goals? Make a list of the actions you want your audience to take to achieve these goals. Then, using your content pillars and subtopics, brainstorm some possible hooks that could be used at the top of your social captions to accompany these CTAs.
Use what you now know to write stronger sales copy in your ads and email marketing funnels. Remember, people want to know exactly what they’ll get out of something with the least amount of effort.
The goal is always to be clear and concise. Use variations of your value proposition, speak to their underlying needs and wants, along with a direct call-to-action will surely strengthen your ad copy.
If you have an email drip campaign, be sure to offer lots of valuable insight for free in the beginning. Your emails should still follow the same principles: acknowledge a problem they have and offer valuable insight that will help them solve that problem. This reinforces yourself as the expert while earning their appreciation and trust for delivering so much value for free.
After two or three emails like this, rather than offering free value to help them with their problem, use the strategy from Part One of the Brand Messaging Framework Series: paint a clear picture of life after using your product or service. Finish the email with a clear call-to-action. They’ll be so impressed by how much free value you’ve given them they’ll be far more likely to make a purchase or hire you.
By now, you should have a new framework for writing strong brand messaging for the various customer touch points. Following this framework will allow you stick to deliver a clear, consistent message that your audience will depend on.
If you're looking for professional, one-on-one support in crafting memorable brand messaging, that's exactly what I love to do. As trends change, new social platforms launch and the tech evolve, your brand strategy will always have your back. Join me for a free Brand Realignment Call to learn how a custom brand strategy can strengthen your marketing, attract more aligned clients and help grow your business!
